Pueraria Livetees (Capsule)


Pack Size: 30 capsules

Availability: In Stock

Pueraria Livetees Capsule is a unique blend of herbs to give a complete protection for all types of liver problem. It improves liver function.

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Product description

Pueraria Livetees Capsule is a unique blend of herbs to give a complete protection for all types of liver problem. It improves liver function.

Key features
  • Protect the liver
  • Correct liver dysfunction & damage.
  • Promotes appetite & growth.
  • Effective for fatty liver, jaundice, hepatitis etc.

What it does:

  1. Pueraria Livetees Capsule helps to Protects liver against hepatic dysfunction, cirrhosis of liver, drug induced hepatotoxicity.
  2. Pueraria Liver Capsule is enriched with Kutki, Bhringaraj, Guduchi and Bhuiamla which strengthen the liver.

Key ingredients:

Bhringraj is known to be beneficial for the liver. The antioxidants present in this herb lowers the toxic load on the liver and thus improve its overall functioning. It is also known to prevent inflammation of the liver due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory property.

Kalmegh: might be beneficial in the management of liver problems. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective properties. It prevents the damage of liver cells caused by the free radicals. It might also be effective against chronic hepatitis B viral infection.

Kutki This bitter tasting herb is considered to be the premier liver tonic. Cool in nature, it has a cleansing effect on the liver and gallbladder. In Ayurveda, kutki is prescribed to improve appetite and to treat jaundice or bile disorders.

Guduchi: One of the most valued herbs in Ayurveda, guduchi is known for its detoxifying and blood cleansing properties. Ayurvedic herbal medicines prepared for liver problems contain guduchi. The herb also helps in treating jaundice, hepatitis and fatty liver.

Punarnava is used to revitalize and clean the liver. Taking Punanarva helps to correct the function of the liver by removing toxins from the liver cells.

Chirata is a potent hepatoprotective intervention which was associated with its potential to alleviate oxidative stress and improve liver functions. Moreover, it could find clinical application as a safer and alternative remedy for liver ailments.

Bhuiamla helps in managing liver disorders and reverses any damage caused to the liver due to its hepatoprotective, antioxidant and antiviral activities. It also helps to prevent ulcers by reducing gastric acid production as well as protecting the stomach lining against damage caused by excessive gastric acid.

Directions for use:

Dosage: 1-2 Capsule twice daily after meal or as directed by the physician.


30 capsules